Mycket besökare.

ÅH så trött.. Vill bara sova men jag måste fan försöka hålla mig vaken alltså.
Förövrigt somnade jag inte förens runt 7 imorse, tvingade mig upp vid 10 igen. -.-
Nu ska jag försöka hitta på något, tror det blir ut till garaget o leka! pusshej

100 fps <3

Engelska. :(

I do not know why I'm writing in English, it just happened all of a sudden.
There are a lot of spelling and grammar errors but I try and hope that I develop mysecond language to something better.

Bättre än att nedgradera till 1.3 iaf. <3

Lina Ström.

Lina Ström, which is an important person in my life but also someone I do not understand.
She was quite definite That nine o'clock, we go up and take a long walk and then we eatbreakfast.
it is now half past ten and she's still sleeping like a stone ...
Sometimes I start to wonder if she has a sleep disorder which means she must have a minimum of 12 hours sleep to wake up at all and about 18 hours sleep in order to manage to stay awake all day. Will let her sleep an hour or two more so i can keep up with her and her withdrawal l8r.
But I like her very much anyway. (:
I went to bed around 4:30, fell asleep around 7:00 and got up 9:00 as planned!
So now I sit here, tired, hungry & bored .. So now I'll try to find some game or other funstuff to do.
100 fps.<3


Smaken är som baken!

I do not believe in God, but in some cases, so I probably do itanyway ..
Someone must have given me these properties that make Lina likes me for who I am.
I am a Monkey.

Med 100fps kan man gå hur långt som helst. Far far away <3

Tiden springer iväg.

Vi människor lär oss att skilja på rätt och fel..

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